Communicate where your customers are

WhatsApp updates with charles

The only fulfillment platform to send fulfillment updates via WhatsApp. Deliver more transparent post-purchase experiences in a conversation-centric way: Combine Alaiko’s shipping data with WhatsApp marketing via charles and delight your customers with relevant, personalized updates.

Use WhatsApp for updates and as a marketing channel

As more traffic and transactions transfer from browsers to chat apps, the potential for conversational commerce grows exponentially. With charles and Alaiko, you can maximize this potential – your buyers will be ecstatic.


Improve convenience: Share notifications (and QR codes for pick-ups) easily via a channel that is used every day by consumers.


Save costs: Reduce the number of parcels having to be shipped back and, thus, costs of passive returns.


Drive revenue: Leverage users from parcel tracking for re-targeting campaigns with >10x ROAS on average.

“WhatsApp boasts open rates of over 90% and allows you intuitively to send images, links, and other content. Through the integration with Alaiko, we can avoid returns for our customers while also building a community to strengthen customer loyalty. This saves our customers costs while also increasing their revenues.”

Leon Stoelben, Strategy Lead, charles

Keep your customers up to date about each shipping step

With real-time shipping data by Alaiko, you can offer a superior post-purchase experience – via all channels. Shipping updates are automatically pushed to charles. In your charles interface, you can choose all triggers from the shipping process that are relevant for your customers and use them for your WhatsApp-marketing. You’ll prevent flooding your customer service with questions and will offer an excellent experience.

Choose from the following update triggers


Parcel has been shipped


Parcel is out for delivery


Parcel has been delivered


Parcel is waiting for pick-up


Return has been shipped


Return arrived in the warehouse

Effortlessly create message flows

No programming skills needed: With charles, you can easily create conversations and entire message flows. Combine conversation with conversion and plan WhatsApp campaigns with similar articles, discounts and recommendations.

Analyze KPIs and optimize your cuommunication

Optimize your communication strategy with complete data transparency and analysis of key success metrics for your charles conversations.

Benefits of Alaiko x charles at a glance

Real-time Order Updates

The order status is transferred directly from the Alaiko OS to charles. This ensures that your customers are always aware of the status of their orders, from delivery to returns.

Post-Purchase Excellency

Engage your customers with your brand and keep them updated with proactive and personalized messaging before they contact customer support.

Repeat Purchases

Utilize WhatsApp’s high open rates and create additional campaigns for your order updates.

 Get to know Alaiko now.

Contact us for a demo with an expert or a personal quote.